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Revue avec comité de lecture (listes revues AERES)

  • BEAUGER, A, K.K. SERIEYSSOL, & J.-L. PEIRY (2013). Diatom Distribution in Natural and Impacted Cut-off Meanders of the Allier River, France. Diatom Research 0 (0) : 1–27. doi:10.1080/0269249X.2013.863224. [IF : 0.750].
  • BERTRAND, O., MANSUY-HUAULT, L., MONTARGÈS-PELLETIER, E., FAURE, P., LOSSON, B., ARGANT, J., RUFFALDI, P., MICHELS, R., Recent vegetation history from a swampy environement to a pond based on macromlecular organic matter and pollen sedimentary records. Org. Geochem. 64, 47-57.
  • BERTRAND, O., MONTARGÈS-PELLETIER, E., MANSUY-HUAULT, L., LOSSON, B., FAURE, P., MICHELS, R., PERNOT, A., ARNAUD, F., A possible terrigenous origin for perylene based on a sedimentary record of a pond (Lorraine, France). Org. Geochem. 58, 69-77.
  • BARRAUD, R., CARCAUD, N., DAVODEAU, H., MONTEMBAULT, D., 2013. – Les épis de la Loire armoricaine, un héritage à la patrimonialité incertaine, Norois, 228-2013/3, pp. 39-51.
  • BERTRAND, O., MANSUY-HUAULT, L., MONTARGÈS-PELLETIER, E., FAURE, P., LOSSON, B., ARGANT, J., RUFFALDI, P., MICHELS, R., 2013. Recent vegetation history from a swampy environement to a pond based on macromlecular organic matter and pollen sedimentary records. Org. Geochem. 64, 47-57.
  • BESNARD A, LA JEUNESSE I, PAYS O, SECONDI J. (2013) Topographic wetness index predicts the occurrence of bird species in floodplains. Diversity and Distributions 19 : 955-963. (IF=6.122).
  • BUDKA M, MIKKELSEN G, TURCOKOVA L, FOURCADE Y, DALE S, OSIEJUK TS, 2013. Macrogeographic variations in the call of the corncrake Crex crex. Journal of Avian Biology. Sous presse. (IF=2.02).
  • BUSTILLO, V., MOATAR, F., DUCHARNE, A., THIÉRY, D., POIREL, A., 2013. A multimodel comparison for assessing water temperatures under changing climate conditions via the equilibrium temperature concept : case study of the Middle Loire River, France. Hydrological processes. Published online in Wiley Online Library, Doi : 10.1002/hyp.9683, pp : 1-18.
  • CHARTIN, C.,EVRARD, O., SALVADOR-BLANES, S.,HINSCHBERGER, F., MACAIRE, J.-J., VAN OOST, K., DAROUSSIN, J. Quantifying and modelling the impact of land consolidationand field borders on soil redistribution in agricultural landscapes (1954 -2009). Catena, 110 : 194-195.
  • CORBONNOIS J., TCHEKPO W., : Quel devenir pour les ouvrages hydrauliques installés sur les cours d’eau du bassin de la Maine ? NOROIS, N° 228 – 2013/3/.
  • CORENBLIT D., JULIEN F., STEIGER J., DARROZES J., MIALET B. 2013. High shell deposition of the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) (Bivalvia : Corbiculidae) on alluvial bars : exploratory investigations and biogeomorphological research perspectives. Géomorphologie : Relief, Processus, Environnement 2 (2013) 153-164.
  • CORENBLIT D., STEIGER J., TABACCHI E., GONZÁLEZ E., PLANTY-TABACCHI A.M. 2013. Ecosystem engineers modulate exotic invasions in riparian plant communities. River Research and Applications. DOI : 10.1002/rra.2618.
  • CUBIZOLLE H., ETLICHER B., 2013. Modélisation de la répartition géographique des tourbières à partir des données géologiques, topographiques et géomorphologiques : application au Massif Central oriental (France). Géomorphologie, Relief, Processus, Environnement, 2 : 55-70.
  • CUBIZOLLE H., HAAS J.N., BIELOWSKI, W., DIETRE, B., CHATELARD S., ARGANT J., LATOUR-ARGANT C., PORTERET J., LEFEVRE J-P. Palaeopaludification, environnemental changes and human impact during the mid and late Holocene in Western Europe : the example of la Prenarde-Pifoy mire in French Massif Central. Quaternaire (sous presse).
  • CUBIZOLLE H., MAYINDZA MOUANDZA M., MULLER F., 2013. Peatlands and histosols in French Guiana (South-America) : new data related to location and area. Mires and Peat, Volume 12, 1–10. http://www.mires-and-peat.net/map12/map_12_03.pdf .
  • CUBIZOLLE H., THEBAUD G., A geographical model for an altitudinal zonation of mire types in the uplands of Western Europe : the example case being the Monts du Forez mountain range in France. Mires and peat (sous presse).
  • DOUVINET J., PALLARES R., GENRE-GRANDPIERRE C., GRALEPOIS M., RODE S., SERVAIN S. 2013. L’information sur les risques majeurs à l’échelle communale – Occurrence et facteurs explicatifs du DICRIM, un outil préventif sous utilisé. Cybergéo : European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Espace, Société, Territoire, document 658, mis en ligne le 04 décembre 2013. URL : http://cybergeo.revues.org/26112  ; DOI : 10.4000/cybergeo.26112.
  • DUPAS R, CURIE F, GASCUEL-ODOUX C, MOATAR F, DELMAS M, PARNAUDEAU V, DURAND P. 2013. Assessing N emissions in surface water at the national level : Comparison of contry-wide vs. regionaliszed models. Science of the Total Environment 443 : 152-162.
  • EJARQUE, A., BEAUGER, A., MIRAS, Y., PEIRY, J.-L., VOLDOIRE, O., VAUTIER, F., BENBAKKAR M., STEIGER J. (2014). Historical fluvial palaeodynamics and multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental analyses of a palaeochannel, River Allier, France. Geodinamica Acta, doi : 10.1080/09853111.2014.877232. [IF : 1.091].
  • FOURCADE Y, ENGLER JO, BESNARD A, RÖDDER D, SECONDI J, 2013. Confronting expert-based and modelled distributions for species with uncertain conservation status : a case study from the corncrake (Crex crex). Biological Conservation 167 : 161-171.(IF=3.794).
  • HATTÉ, C., BRÉHÉRET, J.G, JACOB, J., ARGANT, J., MACAIRE, J.J., 2013. Refining the sarliève paleolake neolithic chronology by combining several radiocarbon approaches. Radiocarbon, 55, 979-992.
  • LAFAGE D, PÉTILLON J, 2013. Impact of cutting date on carabids and spiders in a wet meadow. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment. Sous presse.(IF=2.859).
  • LAFAGE D, SECONDI J, GEORGES A, BOUZILLÉ J-B, PÉTILLON J, 2013. Satellite derived vegetation indices as surrogate of species richness and abundance of ground beetles in temperate floodplains. Insect Conservation and Diversity. sous presse.(IF=1.937).
  • LAFAGE D., BONIS A., MÉNANTEAU L. AND BOUZILLÉ J-B. Using landscape metrics on satellite imagery to assess the conservation status of grassland plant communities. Applied Vegetation Science. Sous presse. (IF=2.263).
  • LAVRIEUX, M., DISNAR, J.R., CHAPRON, E., BRÉHÉRET, J.G., JACOB, J., MIRAS, Y., REYSS, J.L., ANDRIEU-PONEL, V., ARNAUD, F., 6700 yr sedimentary record of climatic and anthropogenic signals in Lake Aydat. The Holocene. 23, 1317-1328.
  • LAVRIEUX, M., JACOB, J., DISNAR, J.R., BRÉHÉRET, J.G., LE MILBEAU, C., MIRAS, Y., ANDRIEU-PONEL, V., 2013. Sedimentary cannabinol tracks the history of hemp retting. Geology published on line, doi:10.1130/G34073.1 .
  • MACAIRE, J.J., GAY-OVEJERO, I., BACCHI, M., COCIRTA, C., PATRYL, L., RODRIGUES, S., 2013. Petrography of alluvial sands as a past and present environmental indicator : Case of the Loire River (France). Int. Journ. Sed. Res. 28, 285-303.
  • MACAIRE, J.-J., GAY-OVEJERO, I., BACCHI, M., COCIRTA, C., PATRYL, L., RODRIGUES, S. 2013. Petrography of alluvial sands as a past and present environmental indicator : case of the Loire River (France). International Journal of Sediment Research, 28, 285-303.
  • MIRAS Y., LAVRIEUX M., FLOREZ M., 2013. Holocene ecological trajectories in lake and wetland systems (Auvergne, France) : a palaeoenvironmental contribution for a better assessment of ecosystem and land use’s viability in management strategies. Annali di Botanica, 3 : 127-133.
  • NÉMÉRY, J., MANO, V., COYNEL, A., ETCHEBER, H., MOATAR, F., MEYBECK, M., BELLEUDY, P., POIREL., A. 2013. Carbon and suspended sediment transport in an impounded alpine river (Isère, France). Hydrological processes. Vol. 27 : 2498-2508. DOI : 10.1002/hyp.9387 .
  • PIN B., RIGOT J-B, SERVAIN S. 2013, Aménagements portuaires et batellerie traditionnelle, composantes de ressources territoriales en Val de Loire, revue Norois, n°228- 2013/3.
  • PIN B., RODE S., SERVAIN S., 2013. Processus de construction d’une ressource territoriale valorisant le patrimoine naturel et culturel en Loire tourangelle, revue en ligne VertigO hors série n°16 Patrimonialiser la nature, juin 2013, http://vertigo.revues.org/13713.
  • RAYMOND, S., MAILHOT, A., TALBOT, G., GAGNON, P., ROUSSEAU, A., MOATAR, F. 2013. Load Estimation Method Using Distributions with Covariates : A Comparison with Commonly Used Estimation Methods. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-14. DOI : 10.1111/jawr.12147 .
  • RAYMOND, S., MOATAR, F., MEYBECK, M., AND BUSTILLO, V., 2013. Choosing methods for estimating dissolved and particulate riverine fluxes from monthly sampling. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (6), 1–14.
  • SIMMONEAU, A., CHAPRON, E., VANNIÈRE, B., WIRTH, S.B., GILLI, A., DI GIOVANNI, C., ANSELMETTI, F., DESMET, M., MAGNY, M., 2013 Mass movement and flood induced deposits in Lake Ledro, southern Alps, Italy : implications for Holocene paleaeohydrology and natural hazards. Clim. Past. 9, 825-840.
  • SIMONNEAU, A., DOYEN, E., CHAPRON, E., MILLET, L., VANNIÈRE, B., DI GIOVANNI, C., BOSSARD, N., TACHIKAWA,K., BARD, E., ALBÉRIC, P., DESMET, M., ROUX, G., LAJEUNESSE, P., BERGER, JF., ARNAUD, F. 2013. Holocene land-use evolution and associated soil erosion in the French Prealps inferred from Lake Paladru sediments and archaelogical evidences. Journ. Arch. Sci. 40, 1636-1645.
  • VERDELLI L., MORUCCI F., 2013, Renouveler l’identité de la ville entre culture portuaire et loisirs. Le cas de Livourne. In : Penser la ville pour les loisirs : nouvelles tendances en aménagement, Loisir & Société (Presses Université Québec).
  • YENGUE J-L, 2013. Vinyard and Landscape in the Loire Valley (France), Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN 1939-1250, 2013, A 3 (2013), pp. 226-230.