[fr]Thèses en cours[en]Current thesis


– PhD student
– Main field : Geography.
– Special field : Cartography / Physics Geography
– University of the Maine – Le Mans
– Laboratory GREGUM
– UMR CNRS 6590
– Direction of thesis : Corbonnois Jeannine, University of the Maine (Le Mans) et Laurent François, University of the Maine (co-direction)
– Financing : Grant of the Syrian government
– Current thesis, 1st registration in October 2007
– Email : ziad_ha80_at_yahoo.com

Thesis subject

Spatial analysis of structure of the landscapes of valleys for the diagnosis of the state of valleys and the cartography of the temporal / spatial changes by using the remote detection and SIG in the pond of the Maine (France).

Florian BARET

– PhD student
– Main field : Archaeology
– Special field : Gallo-Roman archaeology
– University Blaise Pascal – Clermont Ferrand II
– Laboratory : Centre d’Histoire « Espaces et Cultures » (CHEC – EA1001)
(Center of History « Spaces and Cultures »)
– UMS 3108 Maison des Sciences de l’Homme of Clermont-Ferrand
– Direction of thesis : Frédéric Trément (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
– Financing : Grant Ministry and management
– Current thesis, 1st registration in September 2009
– Email : florian.baret_at_etudiant.univ-bpclermont.fr

Thesis subject

The Gallo-Roman « secondary » agglomerations in the Massif Central (city of Arvernes, Vellaves, Gabales, Rutènes, Cadurques, Lémovices), 1st BC – 5th AD


– PhD student
– Main field : Geography.
– Special field : Paleo-environments holocene
– University of St-Etienne
– Laboratory Environnement, Ville et Société (Environment, City and Society)
– UMR CNRS 5600
– Direction of thesis : Hervé Cubizolle, University of St-Etienne and Mostafa Bessedik, University of Oran
– Financing : demands of grant Henri-Curien – Tassili and Association des Universités Francophones (Association of the French-speaking Universities)
– Current thesis, 1st registration in November 2007
– Email : farid.benabdelouahed_at_univ-st-etienne.fr

Thesis subject

Environmental changes in Holocene in the Algerian West: the contribution of the study of the the wet zones evolution


– PhD student
– Main field : Archaeology
– Special field : Environmental archaeology
– University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
– Laboratory : Arscan
– UMR 7041
– Direction of thesis : Joelle Burnouf, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
– Financing : no grant
– Current thesis, 1st registration in 2000
– Email : renaud.benarrous_at_gmail.com

Thesis subject

« La Grande Brenne » in pre-industrial times (Indre). A contribution to the history of landscapes, fishponds and the relationships between societies and the environment in a continental wetland. Historical, archaeological and paleo-environmental approaches
Download the current thesis resume (PDF)


– Post-PhD student (French language: post-doc)
– Hydrology
– University François-Rabelais – Tours
– Laboratory of Géologie des Environnements Aquatiques Continentaux (Geology of the Continental Aquatic Environments)
– Email : bustillovincent_at_hotmail.com

Project post-doc subject

Impacts of the climate change on the hydrology, the temperature and the eutrophication of the Loire pond streams.


– PhD student
– Main field : Archaeology
– University Blaise Pascal – Clermont-Ferrand
– Laboratory : Centre d’Histoire « Espaces et Cultures » (CHEC – EA1001)
(Center of History « Spaces and Cultures »)
– Direction of thesis : Frédéric Trément (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
– Financing : Grant Ministry and management
– Current thesis
– Email : sandra.chabert_at_yahoo.fr

Thesis subject

The countrysides of the city of Arvernes from the the late Antiquity to the high Middle-Age.
Download the current thesis resume (PDF) (French language)

Caroline CHARTIN

– PhD student
– Pedology
– University François-Rabelais – Tours
– Laboratory of Géologie des Environnements Aquatiques Continentaux (Geology of the Continental Aquatic Environments)
– Email : caroline.chartin_at_etu.univ-tours.fr

Thesis subject

Quantification and modelling of the erosion of hillsides cultivated under the influence of the evolution of the anthropological structures


– PhD student
– Main field : Geography
– Special field : Ecologie des tourbières (Ecology of peat bogs)
– University of St-Etienne
– Laboratory Environnement, Ville et Société (Environment, City and Society )
– UMR CNRS 5600
– Direction of thesis: Hervé Cubizolle (University of St-Etienne) and Jean-Louis Berthon (University of St-Etienne)
– Financing : grant of the Etablissement Public Loire (Public Institution Loire) within the framework of the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature (Plan Life-size Loire)
– Current thesis, 1st registration in November 2007

Thesis subject

The contribution of the study of diatomées in the knowledge of the ecological and hydrological functioning of the tourbeux systems

Nicolas CLAUDE

– PhD student
– Hydromorphologie et sédimentologie fluviatile (Hydromorphology and sedimentology fluviatile)
– University François-Rabelais – Tours
– Laboratory of Géologie des Environnements Aquatiques Continentaux (Geology of the Continental Aquatic Environments)
– Direction of thesis : Jean-Gabriel Bréhéret (University of Tours) and Stéphane Rodrigues (University of Tours)
– Financing : Center region / Feder
– Current thesis, 1st registration in December 2008
– Email : nicolas.claude_at_etu.univ-tours.fr

Thesis subject

Hydro-sedimentary dynamics of the forks of channels in an environment fluviatile in the course of section: case of the Middle Loire


– PhD student
– Direction of thesis : Nathalie Carcaud (Agrocampus West, Angers) and Jacques Baudry (Zone Atelier Pleine Fougères – Work Area Pleine Fougères)
– Current thesis
– Email : laure.cormier_at_agrocampus-ouest.fr

Thesis subject

Green wefts : between speech and materialism, what realities?
Download the current thesis resume (PDF) (French language)

Marion DACKO

– PhD student
– Discipline : Archaeology
– Spécialité : Gallo-Roman archaeology
– University Blaise Pascal – Clermont-Ferrand II
– Laboratory : Centre d’Histoire « Espaces et Cultures » (CHEC – EA1001)
– Direction of thesis : Frédéric Trément (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
– Financing : Research allocation from Eégion Auvergne and management
– Current thesis, 1st registration in November 2007
– Email : marion.dacko_at_yahoo.fr

Sujet de la thèse

Les voies romaines dans le Massif central: dynamique des réseaux et impact territorial


– PhD student
– Main field : Archaeology
– Special field : The metallic furniture from 1st BC to 6th AD
– University Blaise Pascal – Clermont-Ferrand
– Laboratory : Centre d’Histoire « Espaces et Cultures » (CHEC – EA1001)
(Center of History « Spaces and Cultures »)
– Direction of thesis : Frédéric Trément (University of Clermont-Ferrand) and Jean-Paul Guillaumet (UMR 5594 ARTeHIS of Dijon, CNRS-UB-MCC, Centre de recherche européen du Mont-Beuvray (European Research Center of Mont-Beuvray))
– Financing : Research allocation from Conseil Régional d’Auvergne
– Current thesis, 1st registration in 2009
– Email : aurelie.ducreux_at_gmail.com

Thesis subject

Consumption and distribution of the metal in cities arverne and vellave from 1st BC to 6th AD


– PhD student
– Main field : Space development – Town planning
– University of Tours
– Laboratory : CITERES
– UMR : 6173
– Direction of thesis : Corinne LARRUE, University of Tours
– Financing : co-financing Agence de l’eau Loire-Bretagne/Région
– Current thesis, 1st registration in December 2005
– Email : mariefournier_at_aol.com

Thesis subject

The policy of protection against the floods in the pond of the Loire from the 19th century to our days: What teachings to obtain from past to implement a new policy?


– Post-PhD student (French language: post-doc)
– University of Bologna, Italy
– University Paris VI Pierre and Marie Curie (2 years) – Auvergne region (1 year)
– Direction of thesis : Frédéric Trément (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
– Email : cafrances_at_racine.ra.it

Project post-doc subject

Landscaped dynamics in the Big Swamp of Limagne from the Iron Age to the modern time. Constitution of a spatial information system.

Amandine GATIEN

– PhD student
– Main field : Geography
– Special field : Social Geography / Countryside Geography
– University : Université du Maine, Le Mans
– Laboratory : ESO Le Mans
– UMR : UMR CNRS 6590 ESO Le Mans
– Direction of thesis : CORBONNOIS Jeannine, Université du Maine, director ; LAURENT François, Université du Maine (co-responsability of thesis)
– Financing : research allocation of Région Pays de la Loire
– Current thesis, 1st inscription in October 2007
– Email : amandine.gatien_at_univ-lemans.fr

Thesis subject

Secificities of the agriculture in the main valleys of the pond of Maine: dynamics and perspectives of the agrarian systems.


– PhD student
– Main field : Social Geography
– Spécialité : Landscape
– University : University of Angers
– Laboratory : Research unity Landscape / Agrocampus Ouest – Centre d’Angers – Institut National d’Horticulture et de Paysage
– Direction of thesis : CARCAUD Nathalie, Agrocampus Ouest – Centre d’Angers – Institut National d’Horticulture et de Paysage, JOLIET Fabienne, Agrocampus Ouest – Centre d’Angers – Institut National d’Horticulture et de Paysage (co-direction)
– Financing : CIFRE (Association Nationale de la Recherche Technique)
– Current thesis, 1st inscription in 1st december 2009
– Email : claire.gourbiliere_at_etud.univ-angers.fr

Thesis subject

Value the landscaped disparity of the territory: define an common identity to the Park.


– PhD student
– Morphologie et sédimentologie fluviatile (Morphology and sedimentology fluviatile)
– University François-Rabelais – Tours
– Laboratory of Géologie des Environnements Aquatiques Continentaux (Geology of the Continental Aquatic Environments)
– Email : audrey.latapie_at_etu.univ-tours.fr

Thesis subject

Modelling of the morphological evolution of an alluvial bed: example of the Middle Loire


– PhD student
– Main field : Earth sciences
– Special field: Organic Geochemistry – Geology
– University François-Rabelais – Tours
– Laboratory of Géologie des Environnements Aquatiques Continentaux (Geology of the Continental Aquatic Environments)
– Direction of thesis : Jean-Gabriel Bréhéret (ISTO Tours) and JR Disnar (ISTO Orléans)
– Financing: Center region
– Email : marlene.lavrieux_at_etu.univ-tours.fr

Thesis subject

Markers of erosion and quality of grounds: inventory, calibration and application in the appreciation of the impact of the human activities on the pedological cover during Holocène. Example of the Lake of Aydat ( Puy-de-Dôme)


– PhD student
– Main field : Geographie and Sociology
– University of the Maine – Le Mans
– Laboratory GREGUM
– UMR CNRS 6590
– Direction of thesis : Corbonnois Jeannine, University of the Maine (Le Mans)
– Financing : Grant from Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire
– Current thesis, 1st registration in October 2009
– Email : a.p.pancher_at_hotmail.fr

Thesis subject

The sensitive zones: social stakes for the environment and the sustainable development of territories in the big West of France.
Download the current thesis resume (PDF) (French language)

Julienne PIANA

– PhD student
– University of Angers
– Laboratory CARTA
– UMR 6590 « Espaces et Sociétés » (« Spaces and Societies »)
– Financing : Plan Loire Grandeur Nature (Plan Life-size Loire) 2007-2013
– Direction of thesis : Nathalie Carcaud (INHP Agrocampus West / Angers)
– Email : julienne.piana_at_etud.univ-angers

Thesis subject

Geoarchaeology of the valley of the Loir : evolution of the river dynamics tardiglaciaire and holocene, interactions Societies / Environments)
Download the current thesis resume (PDF) (French language)

Benoît PIN

– PhD student
– ATER in the department Milieux Aquatiques (Aquatic Environments) IMACOF
– Main field : Development and Town planning
– University François-Rabelais – Tours
– Direction of thesis : Jean-Pierre Berton (University of Tours) and Corinne Larrue (University of Tours)
– Financing : Center region, Val de Loire Mission
– Email : benoitpin_at_yahoo.fr

Thesis subject

The river navigation as the tool of the tourist development of a patrimonial space, the example of the Loire and the other rivers (river Niger in Mali more particularly)

Eymeric MORIN

– PhD student
– Sedimentology and paleo-environment holocenes
– University François-Rabelais – Tours
– Laboratory of Géologie des Environnements Aquatiques Continentaux (Geology of the Continental Aquatic Environments)
– Email : eymeric.morin_at_gmail.com

Thesis subject

Quantification and modelling of the anthropological impact on streams and stocks of materials in a pond fluviatile of plain in Holocene. Case of the pond of Choisille (I and L, France)

Stérenn RAMOND

– PhD student
– Main field : Geography
– Special field : Geomorphology
– University Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis
– Laboratory of Physical Geography
– UMR : CNRS 8591
– Direction of thesis : Emmanuèle Gautier, University Paris 8 and Christelle Marlin, University Paris Sud
– Financing : Grant Plan Loire Grandeur Nature (Etablissement Public Loire). Financers: Feder, Région Centre, Région Bourgogne
– Current thesis, 1rst registration in December 2008
– Email : rsterenn.ramond_at_cnrs-bellevue.fr

Thesis subject

Hydrological answers of the middle-Loire to the environmental changes

Sébastien RAYMOND

– PhD student
– Modelling in hydrology
– University François-Rabelais – Tours
– Laboratory of Géologie des Environnements Aquatiques Continentaux (Geology of the Continental Aquatic Environments)
– Email : sebastien.raymond_at_etu.univ-tours.fr

Thesis subject

Elaboration of methodologies and new statistical indicators to estimate the quality of streams. Spatiotemporal distributions compared by indicators in ponds the Loire and the Seine


– PhD student
– Main field : Geology
– Special field : Sedimentology – Geomorphology
– University : University of Bourgogne
– UMR 5594 ARTeHIS UB-CNRS-Culture
– Direction of thesis : Jean-Pierre Garcia, University of Bourgogne and Annie Dumont, DRASSM
– Financing : Ministry grant MEN
– Current thesis, 2nd year, 1st registration in October 2008
– Email : ronan.steinmann_at_u-bourgogne.fr

Thesis subject

Impacts of climate changes and events of floods on the dynamics of two fluvial anthropic territories on the long time: the Loire and the Saône from – 6000 to nowadays


– PhD student
– Main field : Geography
– Special field : Historical geography
– University : University Paris 8
– UMR 7533
– Direction of thesis : Françoise Plet, University Paris 8 et Emmanuele Gautier, University Paris 8
– Financing : Research grant (3 years) / Etablissement Public Loire (EPL)
– Current thesis, 1st registration in November 2005
– Email : sayatabner_at_yahoo.fr

Thesis subject

Strategies of management of the floods, the works of arts and engineers in the Loire Nivernaise since the 18th century


– PhD student
– Direction of thesis : Jean-Paul Carriere and Sylvie Servain
– Current thesis
– Email : v.lolita_at_hotmail.fr

Thesis subject

Landscapes and territorial politicy